Wednesday, July 29, 2015

120 "Who"



“Intense (Mental) Attack”  

“Real World Writin”

This is a fact: “Who” do yall really (think) can stop this “Intense (Mental) Attack” on any of my enemies, and the enemies of BlackPeople ????????????????????????????????????????????

Let me tell yall, an if yall don’t believe anything I say, yall better believe this, there isn’t a (soul) in this Universe, not to mention on the planet earth that can stop me, but (“One”), and that’s (“Allah”), but (“He”) put me on this mission, so I don’t (think) (“He’s”) going to stop me, so that leaves nobody, not even the The United Snakes of Amerikkka or any of their punk agencies like the FBI, CIA,DHS,NSA, Department of Defense or whoever…………...............................................

I don’t care “who” they are, especially if they (think) they got some power over me in the least bit. If they don’t want (“Allah”) to turn the lights out, on this wicked country early, they know better than to mess with me, especially for a bunch of wicked freaked out women, and their families…...

Yall don’t know this, but those cowards that run this country, know the (“Truth”) about (“Allah”), and they know the language of a man that’s being backed by (“Him”), and they won’t mess with him, in fact they will (secretly) watch him, and protect him from harm, because they don’t want no part in hurting or letting a Servant of (“Allah”) be hurt, which is what I am…….I belong to (“Him”) 100%, and I’ll prove my loyalty to (“Him”) by doing whatever (“He”) tell me to do, no matter what it is, or how crazy it sounds, or whoever I have to go up against, which even means the United States Government, because they know they worthy of burning in Hell anyway…………………

They’re trying to hold on as long as they can, but it’s really over with for real, it’s clear as day to me…So I’m telling any of the Government agencies, forget yall, from the bottom of my heart, fake criminals disguised as Politicians, closet homosexuals…Oh yea, I’ve seen inside the (minds) of those wicked (souls) who rule this country….................................................................................

I’m just letting yall see, what this government is up against, as well as those stupid freaked out air heads. In the end, it’s a lose, lose, lose for them all………………………………………....


Who’s The Greatest??????(“HALLA”)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Until Judgement Day

In it, To win it, “Shock” “Amaze” and make it “Blaze”

For: Mental Entertainment and The "Black Nation"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Turn up maaan, show them who you are, so they understand why you talk and write the way you do...let's go! "Black Nation"!!!!!
